Journo Birds

Hidden places and stories

Journo Birds was created by Estonian female journalists who wish to highlight hidden places and stories. They also want to bring the outdated "fixing" service to a new level.

Marian Männi


With over 15 years of experience in journalism and media, Marian's superpower is to make difficult topics easy and boring topics interesting, either as a researcher, a media analyst or a journalist. She has studied, lived and worked in nine countries around the world.

Tiina Kaukvere


An Estonian journalist who is passionate about making fundamental changes and breaking constructions of the minds with her work. Otherwise, journalism would be a nice entertainment. Tiina has worked in Estonian broadsheet "Postimees" as a journalist of the investigative team. Also she has an experience of managing the online-news department. Has been nominated twice as a journalist of the year by the Estonian Newspaper Association.

Tiina Rekand


Tiina is passionate about UX, cycling, and writing about cycling.  She has worked as a journalist for daily newspapers in Estonia and as an Estonian language teacher in occupied Crimea and has written a book about it.